Expert Talk with Linda Rath of Vragments and Frédéric Dubois of ifs Köln
15.09.2023, 5pm CEST
Imagine a world where the way we exchange information has evolved. To new forms of exchanging memorable information, with new structures and potentially on the basis of new technologies?
Frédéric Dubois is an expert in this field and will talk about findings and trends in this future field. He will be interviewed by Linda Rath, who herself is an innovator in the space of new, transmedia storytelling as the founder of Vragments.
About Frédéric Dubois, ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln
Frédéric Dubois is a Canadian-German author, producer, journalist, and scholar of digital media. He is Professor of Digital Narratives – Theory at ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln and holds a practice-based PhD from the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF with a thesis on the impact of interactive documentary. He has co-authored and produced award-winning interactive storytelling features such as »Atterwasch« (2014) and »Field Trip« (2019) and co-edited two books: the collection of essays »Autonomous Media« (2005) and graphic novel »Extraction! Comix Reportage« (2007). Frédéric has worked with the National Film Board of Canada and ARTE on digital projects such as »GDP« (web coordinator, 2009), »The Hole Story Interactive« (author, 2011) and »Fort McMoney« (game master and partnerships, 2013). He has travelled a number of countries as a freelance reporter, telling stories of communities affected by resource-intensive industries (e.g., fisheries, mining). He has further specialized his journalistic practice on internet- and data-related topics, working with nonprofits such as the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC).
About Linda Rath, CEO @ Vragments
Founded in 2017, Vragments GmbH is a bootstrapped and cashflow financed technology and software development company providing end-to-end solutions tailored for a variety of clients in different industries. Vragments leverages the latest technologies and methodologies to help businesses achieve their objectives by diving deep into their domains and fully understanding their challenges. Check out their website at
Linda Rath is a professor at Hochschule Mittweida, teaching e.g. Data Journalism, Technology and Innovation in Journalism. She is the co-author of a Journalism Handbook called “VR-Journalismus. Ein Handbuch für die journalistische Ausbildung und Praxis“.